Initiative for Skills Development
NAVTTC has taken an important step to revise the National Skills Strategy (NSS). This document will be a pivotal document for Skills Development in the country for the next five years. About five years ago, in year 2018 NAVTTC updated its National Skills Strategy. As the global TVET landscape evolves and more technologies emerge, revising the current NSS has become crucial. The present NSS no longer aligns with the demands of the modern era. Therefore, developing a strategy that includes emerging skills like AI, Cloud Computing, and Data Sciences is essential. Additionally, to fully leverage the large population bulge, an updated and relevant NSS is critical.
The National Skills Strategy 2025-29 will play a pivotal role in enhancing the country’s TEVT sector. Therefore, NAVTTC must develop it through extensive consultations and by considering ground realities. Additionally, NAVTTC has wisely sought feedback from various stakeholders on the draft NSS-2025-29 document. I have written following paragraphs to offer suggestions for NAVTTC for consideration while finalizing the Strategy.
Redefining the Objectives for Skills Development in NSS 2025-29
Objectives are critical to the success of any policy or strategic document because, they provide clear direction and focus toward the cause. Moreover, well-defined objectives help measure progress and evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy over time. Moreover, they also enable efficient resource allocation by prioritizing actions that align with the intended outcomes. Ultimately, they ensure that the policy or strategy remains purposeful, relevant, and results-driven.
Recommended Objectives
As Objectives are an integral part of any strategic document. Therefore, I am recommending the following Objectives that can be included in the National Skills Strategy 2025-29 and are likey to boost Skills Development in the country:-
1. Alignment with Industrial Needs:
TVET becomes insignificant and non-responsive if it fails to align with industrial needs. Therefore, NSS-2025-29 should include clear objectives to make TVET as demand-driven (based on industry needs) rather than a classic supply-driven approach.
2. Global Competence and Joint Certifications:
To prepare Pakistani youth for the global labor market, NSS-2025-29 should focus on fostering globally acceptable competencies and skills. Therefore, NAVTTC should bring renowned and recognized world TVET assessment bodies for joint certifications to achieve this objective for Skills Development.
3. Professional Ethics
Pakistani labor often lacks professional ethics because the current TVET system excludes ethics as a subject. Therefore, National Strategic documents should include a clear timeline to incorporate professional and work ethics modules in short and diploma course
4. Transparent Assessment and Certification System:
A credible and transparent assessment system forms the foundation of effective training. Therefore, the National Skills Strategy should include substantial steps to implement the CBT&A system to ensure both transparency and credibility.
5. Enhancement of Lifelong Skills:
A significant portion of the population acquires skills through the traditional Ustand-Shagird system without formal recognition. Due to this, the strategic document should prioritize integrating this untapped potential into the national certification framework. Hence, NAVTTC needs to enhance and expedite the process of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) over the next five years.
6. Leveraging Technology in TVET:
In the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, adapting technology in TVET is very crucial. In fact, incorporating AR/VR, AI, and other advanced tools will make TVET more relevant in the modern world. Therefore, this aspect should get priority in the NSS document.
7. Robust M&E System:
NAVTTC should develop a robust Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) system for TVET institutes so that they remain focused on accreditation, inspections, and relevance. Due to this a quality TVET will emerge.
8. Centralized Database:
Pakistan’s TVET system lacks a centralized database, leading to statistical disconnects between federal and provincial governments. It is, therefore, necessary that NAVTTC should take steps to create a centralized and live database for TVET, which will help policymakers make informed decisions and allocate resources effectively. Therefore contributing significantly towards skills development.
9. TVET Inclusiveness:
Women’s participation in TVET remains low, at approximately 29%. NAVTTC should design programs with special women-specific courses to engage this large segment of the population in TVET.
10. Greening of TVET:
With Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) and carbon emissions posing a global threat, many countries may face sanctions for failing to control these pollutants. Unfortunately, the current system excludes “greening” initiatives in TVET. Therefore, NAVTTC should integrate these principles into the curriculum to address this issue and prioritize in the NSS 2025-29.
Strategic Goals for Skills Development in NSS 2025-29
Strategic Goals (SG) guide any organization toward achieving its vision, mission, and objectives. These goals outline the key priority areas and include an implementation plan to achieve goals in a specified timeframe. However, these goals should be implementable, realistic, and measurable. Hence, defining clear Strategic goals and making an Implementation matrix are essential ingredients of any strategic document.
Recommended Strategic Goals
Above in view, I recommend following Strategic Goals for NSS 2025-29:-
SG-1 - Emphasis on Top Technology Trends
Technology will shape future jobs, and new and better technologies will significantly influence the future job market. To maintain effective HR skills development, NAVTTC must prioritise HR development in the top 10 emerging technological skills and future job creators. You can explore the top 5 drivers of future jobs in the next 5 to 10 years by clicking here.
SG-2 - Less Emphasis on Declining Skills
As per the research carried out by World Economic Forum, many conventional skills, such as clerks and data entry operators, will decline in next 5 to 10 years. Therefore, if the government fails to act now, a large portion of the workforce may become jobless. Re-skilling and upskilling HR involved in declining skills is essential. NAVTTC to initiate national upskilling program and NSS should include a timeline to achieve this goal. If you want to see which skills and trades may disappear in the next 5 to 10 years, click here.
SG-3 - Digital Literacy
Digital literacy is becoming an essential soft skill in the modern workforce. Therefore, the Government should develop programs and implement digital literacy initiatives and incorporate them into NSS. A timeline for this program’s implementation is necessary.
SG-4 - Revision of Curriculum
Nations cannot thrive in the rapidly evolving digital era if technical institutions continue teaching outdated curricula. Unfortunately, many TVET institutes in Pakistan use irrelevant or obsolete content. Resulting sub-standard TVET. Educational programs must be modernized and aligned with current and future industry demands at both university and technical institute levels. NSS must include a timeline to replace outdated curricula.
SG-5 - Training of Faculty/Trainers
In order to maintain the quality of TVET faculty must be trained. Therefore, to achieve this target, it is recommended that NAVTTC should develop faculty development programs. At least 50% of faculty members must receive training in technical and pedagogical skills in the next five years. National Skills Strategy should include a timeline to achieve this goal.
SG-6 - International Certification/Benchmarking
International certification validates a candidate’s skills and knowledge against global standards. Because it enhances their competitiveness in the job market. Currently, very few institutes in Pakistan are accredited by international TVET bodies. Therefore, NAVTTC must create a timeline to accredit at least 30% of TVET institutes with these global bodies.
SG-7 - Enhance Budget Allocation for Technical Training
: The current budget for technical institutes is inadequate to meet future labor market demands. The government must prioritize allocating a minimum of 50% of its educational budget for TVET. A timeline with responsibilities should be included in NSS.
SG-8 - Technical Training at the School Level
NAVTTC has initiated Matric and Inter tech streams with FBISE, Islamabad, but it must expand this initiative nationwide within the next five years. Schools must include advanced training in IT-related courses. NSS must outline an implementable timeline for this expansion.
SG-9 - Launch an Awareness Campaign
A comprehensive awareness campaign must be launched to showcase the advantages of skills and technical training through national media. The perception of TVET as a last-choice option must change. NSS should include a timeline to achieve this critical goal.
SG-10 - Language Training for Job Seekers:
Providing language training for individuals seeking foreign employment is vital for improving their job prospects and integration into international workplaces. NAVTTC must make language training mandatory for all job seekers going abroad and implement a program for language training in TVET institutes.
SG-11 - Development of a Constitutional Framework for Skills Programs:
To ensure consistency and continuity in skills programs, NAVTTC must table a constitutional framework in the National Assembly. This framework should aim to to provide legal protection to government-initiated skills programs and encourage international donors to invest in the TVET sector.
SG-12 - Establishment of a National Testing Center for Skilled
A national testing center must be established to assess the skills of migrants, ensuring they meet industry standards. workforce integration and job opportunities will be enhanced due to this. Currently, different OEPs operate their own TVET institutes, leading to questionable practices. NAVTTC must establish at least six TVET testing centers across the four provinces, AJK, and GB. NSS must include a timeline for this initiative.
SG-13 - Involvement of the Private Sector in Skills Development
Engaging the private sector in skills development plays a crucial role in setting industry standards and expanding training opportunities. Their involvement will improve quality, provide practical insights, and increase the number of trained professionals. Large industries must establish their own TVET institutes for workforce development and upskilling. NAVTTC should develop a plan to implement dual TVET programs, similar to Germany’s model, where TVET students spend 80% of their time in the industry and 20% in classrooms/labs. NSS must include a timeline for implementing this dual program.
Implementation Matrix
I have developed implementation Matrix table to be incorporated in NSS 2025-29 document so that all stakeholders know their responsibilities with the timeline. You can see the matrix in the table below